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Ep 41: How To Create Unbreakable Mental Toughness with Chris Dorris



Since 1994, Chris Dorris has served as an advisor, consultant and Mental Toughness Trainer and Personal Transformation Coach to elite athletes, executives, entrepreneurs and individuals worldwide. He conducts workshops and seminars on Mental Conditioning, Leadership, and Peak Performance. What began as a commitment to help people feel more excited and enthusiastic about their lives has evolved as Chris is now called upon by elite athletes, CEOs, entertainers, coaches and parents, professors, physicians, sales teams, researchers, and entrepreneurs. Chris is an international speaker who has addressed distinguished audiences that include numerous Fortune 100 Companies. In this episode, Chris and I deep dive into several topics including his definition of the purpose of life, the difference between pain and suffering, how to get in peak emotional state every day, what separates the masses from a visionary and so much more. Have you grabbed your FREE Resist Average Blueprint yet? The Resist Average Blueprint