Kame Korner

Ep. #128 - Sexy Cartoon Animals: Sumo



Killer 7, The Flat Earth, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Fallout 76, competitive Smash, CRTs, LAN adapters, wave-dashing, Pokemon championships, the Way of the Closed Fist, smash AI, Incineroar, Itchy and Scratchy, Simon Belmont, US Gymnastics, Gamecube controllers, Wavebird, The Passion of Sakurai, Chrom, Kirby, NO WALUIGI, King K. Rool, Metroid Fusion, Mother 3, Infinite Jest, Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball, Team Ninja, Tekken, Sigmund Freud, Virtua Fighter, trampolines, amateur skate ramps, Battle Barrel on Ice, Ultimate Combat Frisbee 2, Hopelessly Pointlessly Obscure Film Quotes, The Walking Dead, Resident Evil 4, Ashley Sakurai, Joker, David Hayter, small pink round video games, Kirby All-Stars, Kirby Air Ride, Meteos, The Epic Megastore, Day Z 1.0, The VGAs, SonicFox, Geoff Keighly, SKY, Dead Cells, Red Dead Redemption 2, Spider-Man, Sonic the Movie, Detective Pikachu, Sonic dark money, The Angry Birds Drink P*ss in the Angry Birds Movie, Street Fighter: The Movie.