Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Did you know that Vitamin D should be taken together with magnesium to activate this nutrient? Nutrients don\\\\\\\'t work alone, and the Vitamin D Council recommends that Vitamin D be taking with its essential co-factors including magnesium, boron, and zinc as well as Vitamin K and A. The Vitamin D Council goes even further in expressing their concerns for ADEQUATE magnesium supplementationThe Vitamin D Council believes that the daily amounts of magnesium recommended by the Food and Nutrition Board aren’t enough to keep your body healthy; and that both men and women may need more than is recommended.  Some research studies show that your body needs between 500 and 700 mg a day. It’s not just the Vitamin D Council that is educating the public about the necessity of magnesium supplementation with Vitamin D. Recently, the American Osteopathic Association released their findings reporting that magnesium deficiency is preventing people from utilizing Vitamin D. Vitamin D can\\\\\\\'t be metabolized with