Botched: A D&d Podcast

Botched: A D&D Podcast S3 EP60 Solving Problems The American Way



Welcome to Botched: A D&D Podcast! Are you guys ready for more torture porn? Just kidding, the group has more important things to do. The fate of the world is on the line after all. Having only gained a little information in that the spy they found was a decoy, the group has to figure out what to do next. However, they won’t have a lot of time to ponder as the final battle gets under way. The demons are attacking from all around and above, and even the skies seem to be against the Knights of the Phoenix. The only ones standing between The Warlock and the innocent people hiding in the stronghold are our fearless psychopaths…and Nachio Del Grande…and King Casey Diya…and an army of dinosaurs. What is the groups master plan? How can they stop the Warlock? What happens if they make it out alive? Where the hell are all the elves anyways? Tune in and find out! Join in on the banter as these dickheads whose understanding of the rules is questionable, and their moral compasses are even more so, stumble through dung