Ta Playlist Podcast

TA Playlist Podcast Episode 13 - Sea of Thieves



Ahoy! I see a ship! It's close! We're back with another episode of the TA Playlist Podcast. This is our first show of the second season and in it, we set sail for our newest game to date in Rare's polarizing pirate adventure, Sea of Thieves. Sam and Mark are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to their feelings toward the game thanks, in part, to surprisingly different experiences. Meanwhile, our special guest Darren Gargette of the Cane and Rinse podcast seems to fall somewhere in between even as he remains a dedicated daily plunderer. Along with your community feedback, stats, and a few well-placed sea shanties, this makes for the longest episode of the podcast to date. Find your sea legs, fill a barrel of grog, and climb aboard. It's a pirate's life for thee! If you'd like to hear more from Darren Gargette, he's @dezm0nd on Twitter and he's a veteran contributor to the Cane & Rinse podcast, which you can find at caneandrinse.com. If you want more chat about Rare's glory days, Darren is cha