Ta Playlist Podcast

TA Playlist Episode 8 - The Turing Test



his past month was massive according to the stats page in the TA Playlist Hub. Of course, many of those being tracked on site were just playing the latest Games with Gold freebie, but judging by our excellent month of community forum chatter, it's safe to call The Turing Test a riveting choice for the event. Join Kevin, Sam, and Mark (I'm never sure if I should write in third person here) as they wrap up another engaging month with the TA Playlist faithful.  In this episode, we discuss the game's moral dilemma, weigh its merits as an artificial intelligence thinkpiece and argue whether this machine does or does not have a soul. With great commentary from the community, it's obvious by the end that Turing is nothing if not thought-provoking. As the topic of AI is a very special hobby horse of mine personally, I wanted to also call your attention to some extracurricular media on the topic. Artificial intelligence, if it were to ever reach superintelligent levels (far outpacing human capacity) would change the