The Tech Savvy Nonprofit

EP4: Google Analytics for Nonprofits



On this episode we talk about how you can use your Google Analytics to inform your decision making and improve your nonprofit or foundation website. About Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that can help you analyze your nonprofit's website traffic. First of all, you’re going to want to see if you have Google Analytics set up on your website. Does your current site have a Google Analytics installed? See resources below for tools to check your site if you’re not sure. Overview data you should be tracking (Audience > Overview) Traffic (how many visitors per month) How long do they stay on your site? How high is your bounce rate? How many pages do they visit? More info about your audience You can see if the traffic you are getting is from the geographic area that your nonprofit or foundation is serving (Audience > Geo > Location) Languages your audience is using (Audience > Geo > Language) Whether your audience is using mobile versus desktop versus table. If your audience is primar