The Expand Your Awareness Podcast With Aaron Doughty

3 Things You MUST Do to Experience “The SHIFT” and Transcend Your Level of Consciousness



Today, I'm going to be sharing with you how to experience the shift, which is a vibrational state of consciousness change that will totally transform your life. So, come on and watch the video below:  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Below… Follow me on Instagram aaron_doughty44 Subscribe to the Show on itunes herecan you leave a review for the podcast? I would soo appreciate it You can leave a review here (Click here to watch on YouTube) I'm going to be sharing with you more on what is called the shift experience. The shift experience is a total transformation when it comes to the level of consciousness that someone is currently at. The shift experience is going to be a process by which I am at the moment creating right now, which the result is people becoming more aware so someone becoming more aware of who they are at a greater level and experiencing a shift in consciousness. This is about raising up the ladder of vibration. If you rememb