Chop N Roll

This is Chris Cornell



  Wednesday    Week 53-AHHHH YEAH its getting warm out! No more leather during the day, its that time of year here in NC where the weather begins to turn and you can rip around in a sweatshirt and some days even a T! Ive got kind of a heavy playlist this week, not heavy in the sense like Slayer is heavy, but emotionally? Ive been listening to Soundgarden since I was a kid, then AudioSlave, and a slew of other projects Chris Cornell worked on. Its all really dark and sad when you listen back to it. Ive been listening to it hard for a couple of weeks now. So I wanted to share this with yall! Enjoy, don’t be too depressed after it, take it in and enjoy it. Don't forget to send in your Spotify playlist for a chance to win a free t-shirt, if I pick your list, you win! It's that easy. Send to and include your shirt size and shipping address!   Enjoy the show this week and email me with your request and comments or instagram @chopnrollpodcast       Weekly Playlist: