The Ketohacking Md Podcast

23: 7-Day High-Fat Experiment Blood Testing Results & Analysis



This week Jimmy and John return and dig into the results of their blood tests and analyze the lab results from their 3:1 fat to protein experiment.  Listen in today to find out exactly how the experiment went in Episode 23.     FREE TWO DAY SHIPPING FOR AMAZON PRIME MEMBERSNOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship Last week Robert Sikes joined Jimmy and John to talk about how they felt on the 3:1 fat to protein hack, but today we take a look at the lab results to see exactly what was going on in this seven day period. The major labs they ran were insulin levels, CRP to measure inflammation, LPIR score to measure insulin resistance, fasting glucose, and the NMR lipid profile. Today we look at the lab results to see what the correlation is between how they felt and what was going on inside their bodies. COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship Highlight Quote: “Becaue of our difference in insulin resistance, you have a much higher response even to free fatty acids