Honest Home Podcast

All About Ice Dams



Main topic: Ice dams In this episode we tackle that seasonal foe, ice dams. We describe what causes ice dams, how to prevent and/or remove them safely, and take a look at the role your attic ventilation and insulation plays in the formation of ice dams. We also discuss Zonolite, an insulation material used between the 1940s to mid 1980s that was found to contain asbestos. For more information on the identification and mitigation of Zonolite, please visit: https://www.zonoliteatticinsulation.com/ Listener question: Shut-off valves We go over why shut-off valves typically fail and give some recommendations for replacement W.hat T.he F.ail: DIY spark arrestor Don't try to stop fire with flammable material. View images at: https://thehonestinspector.dream.press/2019/02/15/all-about-ice-dams/