Personal Best

Reversing Type 2 diabetes



Around a quarter of a million people in Scotland have Type 2 Diabetes and the number is rising. If you've been diagnosed with it and feel the future is bleak, just how can you get the best out of yourself ... and is it possible to actually turn things around? Gillian Russell spends the day with Isobel Murray (and husband Jim) in Largs to hear about her life before and after Type 2 Diabetes - the impact her diagnosis had on her life, why she took part in a research project and how she managed to reverse her condition through losing weight, changing her diet and increasing her exercise. "I've got my life back ..." Mike Lean, Professor of Human Nutrition at the University of Glasgow, explains what exactly Type 2 Diabetes is, how much of a problem it is in Scotland and what they've been finding out from their recent study. George Thom, Research Dietitian at the University of Glasgow, shares his top tips for managing Type 2 Diabetes - why it's crucial to lose weight, how to maintain that weight loss and the imp