The Ketohacking Md Podcast

49: Two Week Neurofeedback Hack Update



For the last couple of weeks we've been focusing on the topic of Neurofeedback and today Jimmy and John take a look at how this hack is going with a two-week progress update. Listen in today as Jimmy and John talk about: How the past couple of weeks have been going What they hope to see for the next two weeks coming up What makes this hack different from some of the previous ones How this has affected Jimmy's sleep How the feedback might help your keto diet and much more "Our basic premise with you is that stress is a big factor. I think it is a cumulative effect and the longer you do it the more benefit you'll get." – John Limansky MD "I think the fact that I am sleeping so much better and sounder quantifiably with the data is proof positive that I needed to do this sooner than later." – Jimmy Moore