Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

021: Kylie Aloi - Being Present With Anxiety And Values



Anxiety seems to be an issue that keeps surfacing through a lot of the conversations I have with people, this heaviness that some people are living with. But often that moment when they are diagnosed with anxiety and they start to take action to fix or manage it is a pivotal moment in their life. My guest today is Kylie Aloi, is one of those people. Her journey of learning how to manage her anxiety lead her to a place where she now lives by following her values, understanding what is important to her, and living the life she wants to live and not one that she is expected to live. In this episode, Kylie talks openly about understanding that anxiety is part of her personality, calling off her wedding four weeks out and the freeing feeling it created for her, being in tune with your values, along with some tips on how people can discover their own values. I really appreciate how honest Kylie is during our conversation on a topic that isn’t always the easiest to talk about. I hope you enjoy x www.liveimmedi