Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

006: Matt And Alana – Being At Peace With Coming Home After Travelling



You can think about something and put it off. But ultimately you need to just do it. That is exactly what Matt and Alana did when they finally made the decision to travel the world for two years. They are both former full-time world travellers, transitioning back into the U.S. way of life, making the most out of their vacation time and getting the best bang for your buck in America and also abroad. It is the former full-time world travellers that really made me take notice of Matt and Alana, as we often hear about the pre travel excitement and all the new and wonderful things that we experience while travelling. But the coming home story and everything that goes with it, is often untold. In this episode we dive into finding minimalism on the road, having a generic plan but leaving room for the unknown, putting a pause on the future and living for the now, and being at peace with coming home. This couple learnt so much while exploring our great big globe. I hope you enjoy x