Free Methodist Church Of Santa Barbara

On the Road - Rev. Colleen Hurley-Bates (4-21-19)



John 21:1-14, Luke 24:13-35 This Sunday, we have the honor of celebrating our Risen King, Jesus Christ! What a joy to gather in His name for the most important day of the year. As is our tradition, we will meet at the beach early in the morning to watch the sun rise and join our voices with Christians everywhere as we read scripture and sing amidst God's beauty. At the Sunrise, I will be sharing thoughts on one of my favorite post-resurrection scripture where Jesus meets some of His followers on the beach as a surprise. We want to think about what this passage teaches us about the Risen Lord and also what it means for us. Bring your blanket and beach chair! I look forward to greeting you early on Easter morning. For our text Sunday morning at church, we will be looking at another of my favorite passages of scripture: the walk to Emmaus. It is a beautiful picture of Jesus talking to some of His followers on resurrection day, but they don't know it is Him. As they walk, they are distressed and perplexed at