Talky Bois

S2 EP3 | What the Heck is a 20th Century Boy? And Story Bois Chapter 1



When ratings begin to plummet the Boi's know just who to bring in...Radio Mike!  The man has a podcast so smooth and easy to listen it'll make you question your political stance - of course that podcast is Radio Mike's 20th Century Boy (Boi) and Mike and Aaron were so keen to pick his brain about it!Listen in to hear the most exclusive behind the scenes take on Mike's Podcast, plus another riveting edition of Story Bois. The Podcast is a visual one too so make sure to check out 'Talky Bois' on Youtube as well and follow us on Instagram and Facebook @talkybois for all the behind the scenes goodies, and extra hot #content! Remember, Bois and Gois, don't climb trees without your pants on!