Pathways To Fitness

PTF 003: You Are Programmed To Be Poor



When you read something like "You Are Programmed To Be Poor", or "You're Not Living the Life You're Capable Of", what kind of reaction does that evoke in you? What emotions are stirred when you contemplate that possibility?  In our culture we are passively (not overtly) conditioned to be results/success oriented. We aren't encouraged to experiment or test things to see what works and what doesn't through failure. F-A-I-L-U-R-E is considered a bad word and something that we are to avoid at all costs.  What if though, it is through those failures, those failed experiments, that we discover our true calling.... our purpose...the very things that make us come alive? In this episode we talk about pushing past fear and the trained aversion to failure, in order to live a truly inspired and fulfilling life.    If you want to watch the full video that we pulled this Robert Kiyosaki audio from you can find it here:    To connect with us follow us on http://instagram/pathwaystofitness Please