Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed

Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & The Empowered Woman Laura Parker



Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Laura Marie Parker. Laura is a Birth Shaman, a Wise Wombyn Sex Educator, the creator of The Empowered Woman, a Community Created Herbalist (CCH) and a self-published Novelist.  She brings complimentary medicine to birth and family whole-health through teaching about herbs as people’s medicine, working with story medicine, and working with individuals to have their own unique empowering journeys through birth. Laura is the author of The No-Time Tango: A Traveling Memoir. She also writes a monthly herbal zine called “Tales from a Gypsy Momma”, which weaves the wisdom of herbal medicine and folk wisdom with her journey through life and mothering three boys. Laura believes that nourishment is life.  What we choose to nurture and nourish becomes the environment we live in.  In honour of nurturing her vision for making her world a better place to live, she created The Empowered Woman, a nourishment series of classe