The Tazz And Paula Show

Celebrate the New Year with Sheldan Nidle



The celebration that will ring out in Heaven and Earth will be most exquisite! Finally, you will all experience full consciousness and become one with all of physicality and Heaven's vast expanse. Millennia ago, what is now about to happen was carefully planned and then executed by the dedicated unfolders of the Creator's divine plan. And as we have stated many times, it will free you from the unending turmoil of the dark and reconnect you with the Light. This mission has proved to us all to be a true mission of Love and we have never swayed from this special task. Now is the time of completion and it will be one of celebration for us all! More importantly, it is a supreme and sacred moment to be remembered with joy by us all. Gaia also intends to rejoice in her return to her natural state of Being. Sheldan will be sharing with us how this will all unfold