C-suite Radio

Business Matters :: The Secret to Simplifying Business | Geoffrey James



In business and in life, we must understand the reality that most people put their own needs and desires ahead of others. As we advance in our careers, it’s important that we let go of the notion that our worth is determined by how much money we make or our job security at that present time. What we must instead focus on is the value we bring as individuals at every stage of our lives. When we begin to view ourselves as a business that provides solutions and services to others, we become one step closer to fulfilling our dreams and never letting great opportunities pass us by. Our guest this week is Geoffrey James, award-winning blogger, contributing editor for Inc and author of “Business Without the Bullsh*t: 49 Secrets and Shortcuts that You Need to Know." In his latest release, Geoffrey educates readers on the true simplicity of business and the idea of a so-called “complexification industry” that tries to make leadership more complicated than it actually is. Geoffrey says good business boils down to the