Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday: On Monday, September 11th we will observe the 16th anniversary of the terror attacks carried out by radical Islamists.  We will reflect on those attacks this evening. The 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony, was crystal clear about the nexus between multiple failures of the immigration system that enabled terrorists, and not just the 19 terrorists who so savagely attacked the United States 16 years ago, but a list of  other terrorists as well, to enter the United States and embed themselves as they went about their deadly preparations. In the years since that terrible day on that late summer morning, international terrorists sought to exploit those very same vulnerabilities.  While some were thwarted by brilliant work of American intelligence and law enforcement professionals as well as by fate, bad luck or their own ineptitude, other terrorists succeeded and many innocent people have been injured or killed. Yet the open border / immigration anarchists demand that our government i