Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday: There is no shortage of immigration-related stories in the news today, beginning with the ramping up of rhetoric and hostility where North Korea is concerned.  Although it is not being reported as an immigration issue, believed it or not, there is a serious immigration component to this story and I plan to lay it out tonight on my program. The opiod/heroin addiction epidemic also has a nexus to the issue of border security, I will explain this as well this evening. Sanctuary Cities are very much in the news and I plan to provide you with insight and information not being discussed in the mainstream media. In point of fact, just this morning FrontPage Magazine published my article, “SANCTUARY CITIES BETRAY AMERICA, AMERICANS AND IMMIGRANTS:  When facts are stubborn things.” It is time to blow the cover off the falsehoods about these cities that should really be called “Magnet Cities.”  They attract aliens who have evaded the inspections process at ports of entry and therefore their presence