Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Show



Happy Friday: Immigration is, as usual, back in the news.  President Trump has asked the Supreme Court to take up the temporary travel ban to protect America and Americans.  We will consider what is at stake. On May 29, 2017, FrontPage Magazine published my article:   “VISA OVERSTAYS: A GAP IN THE NATION’S BORDER: After decades, and billions of dollars, a major terror vulnerability still persists.”  This article touches on many of the failures of the immigration system, including national security and public safety- you may be surprised and outraged to wind out how the failures of the ability to track the arrival and departure of temporary (nonimmigrant) alien visitors to the United States has gone on for literally decades. In fact, the 9/11 Commission mandated that this program be implemented in the wake of the attacks of 9/11- yet it is still not in place. Make certain to read my article and forward it to as many folks as you can- finally we have proposed legislation that would address the failures of