Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Happy Friday! This past week has been interesting, to say the least, with the firing of FBI Director Comey by President Trump.  This one story has dominated the news but nevertheless, the administration continues to keep its promises to enforce our immigration laws with a massive round-up of transnational gang members across the United States. On May 4th FrontPage Magazine published my article, “USEFUL IDIOTS: AMERICAN WORKERS PROTESTING TRUMP’S IMMIGRATION POLICIES- Demonstrating against one's own interests.” In that article I examined the diametrically opposed goals of the May Day (Mayhem? protestors who should be celebrating the immigration policies of the Trump administration rather than rioting against them. I discussed this on May 1st when I joined Bill Tucker on the Newsmax-TV show, America Talks Live to discuss the supposedly “pro-worker” demonstrations across the United States that also called for opposing the Trump Administration’s immigration policies.   Newsmax posted the link to the video of