Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: Worship God Through The Daily Grind (Leviticus 2:1-2)



“When anyone brings a grain offering as an offering to the LORD, his offering shall be of fine flour...a food offering with a pleasing aroma to the LORD.” (Leviticus 2:1–2 ESV). The ancient Israelite approached God with blood sacrifice, for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins (Hebrews 9:22). One offering, however, was different. The grain offering came not from Israel's flocks, but from their crops. Various forms of grain were cooked or beaten or prepared for God, and then sacrificed to him and given to his priests as a supplement to their meal. Uncooked flour, bread baked in an oven, or bread cooked on a griddle or pan was offered to the Lord. One reason I love thinking about the grain offering is that the worshipper was giving to God the fruit of their labors. They worked the soil God entrusted to them. They planted, watered, and tended that field. Soon, the seed began to grow. Eventually, an entire crop was ready for harvest. The grain offering was a way for the worshipper to give G