Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: 7 Lessons From Growing Pains In The Church (Acts 6:1–7)



A few years into the new church age, Jerusalem was still its only location. It would take a decade or so for the gospel to break into the Gentile world, and the early years of the church were mainly spent growing and forming in the same city in which Christ died and was buried and rose and ascended. As the number of believers increased, so did the complexity of ministry. They awaited Christ’s return and had adopted a communal style of living. As they shared finances and resources in the church, they instituted a daily distribution of funds for those in need, including widows. Some widows were Jewish, but Hellenistic, Grecian Jews. Influenced by Greek culture and style, they were different. They felt they were neglected when the aforementioned daily distribution took place. Their complaint arose all the way to the apostles. The apostles responded to the complaint with the determination they ought not to leave the word of God to serve tables, but should instead give themselves to the word and prayer. Instead,