Reigners Radio

8 Steps to Engaging the Supernatural



“8 Steps to Engaging the Supernatural” 1.    Make Yourself Available. Let the Lord know you are trusting Him to make Himself known in the supernatural and/or physical realm any way He chooses, and that you will pursue and take this training seriously as a way to learn to know Him and His ways. 2.    Attention! The Lord will likely begin to interrupt your plans to draw attention to Himself. Say you’re washing the dishes, mowing the lawn, driving, or even reading this text. You become aware of a change in your thought patterns, or a gentle or abrupt change in mood or ability to concentrate. 3.    Ask! “Lord, is that you?” Once confirmed (more on that later) that it is indeed the Lord drawing you, respond with something like, “Lord, I’m Here for You! What can I do for you?” If it is not the Lord, determine its source and deal with it accordingly. [Supernatural warfare is covered in-depth in “Getting Healed.”] 4.    Listen! You may find that a word, specific thought, song, scripture, image or idea may be fore