Reigners Radio

Enjoying the Silence of the Night Watches



Getting Up on Your Own If you are really interested in speeding up the development of your soulical senses and experiencing greater dependence and intimacy on the Lord, schedule a time to wake up on your own in the middle of the night simply to spend time keeping Him company. Set your alarm clock for a time that is about the middle of your designated sleep time; this will mean that you will have had enough sleep so that you can stay up with the Lord without falling asleep, yet enough time afterward so that you can get some sleep for the rest of the day. Get yourself fully awake (that means getting out of bed, sticking your head under the faucet, whatever), then just sit with Him in your Waiting Room (which could be a chair in your bedroom, for instance). Acknowledge His Presence (remember He is always present), and just listen. Don’t necessarily hear something, just listen. As in all the above cases, don’t expect that you will see an instantaneous or reciprocal response from the Lord. But there is a guarante