Reigners Radio

Waiting With Expectation For The Lord's Night Visits



Though He deals with each of us uniquely, just being expectant regarding His visits will make you more aware of His approach. So when He does come for a visit, you will know how to respond. Some of the ways the Lord will announce His visit through supernatural manifestations have already been mentioned: knocking, calling you by name, audible noises, hearing a song internally or audibly, His footsteps, strong odor, or rising within of His Presence so strongly that it breaks your sleep. Often the way in which the Lord awakens you will be an indication of His purpose. A soft calling of your name may reflect that the Lord is seeking a time of intimacy with you, whereas a sharp knocking may be an alarm regarding an issue or a need for intercession, and the content of a song heard inwardly may give some indication of the topic of conversation. Over time, the Lord Himself will teach you the meaning of His approach, as long as you ask and don’t try to figure it out yourself. You will begin to just “know.” Seeking t