Reigners Radio

Communing with the Lord at Night



There are two general ways the Lord visits us at night—without waking us, and by waking us up to be with Him. Communing with the Lord While our body sleeps, deep calls to deep, and the Lord changes our mind, quiets our emotions, and gives new direction without our conscious awareness. Things that during the day we’d argue with Him about are readily accepted during the night. The result is that in the morning, or perhaps days, weeks or months later, we realize that something has changed, about us, about a situation, about our relationship with God, ourselves or others. For instance, we may have an answer to a situation that never occurred to us before, or our mind or emotions toward a person may have changed without our realizing it. Very often God does His greatest and fastest work as we sleep so that He is not interfered with. Since waiting for Him and cultivating quietness are engaging with the Lord in His purposes, there will likely be an increase in responses in this way, as we have given God the opport