Reigners Radio

What Happens When The Lord Visits Us At Night



The Lord’s Night Visits You will likely find that the Lord is much more active in our lives during the night seasons than during the day. There are several reasons for this: 1) Our body is less active, which lessens its demand for attention from our soul and spirit, freeing our soul to respond; 2) Our soul (mind, will and emotions) is less distracted by the cares of this world, the demands of the clock, external and internal voices, and its need to control. Therefore the soul is more available to receive unconditionally what the Lord wants to share unconditionally; 3) Because our conscious mind is subdued, the Lord has greater opportunity to override, change or ignore the parts of our belief system that hinder His revelation. This is done by the Lord from His Spirit through our spirit to our soul; 4) The Lord also likes to test what we have learned during the day by visiting us at night. Communing with the Lord While our body sleeps, deep calls to deep, and the Lord changes our mind, quiets our emotions, a