Reigners Radio

Interaction between Our Soul and the Supernatural Realm



It is our responsibility to test what we hear and not rely on the name on the door or a teaching or ministry’s popularity to prove its truth. We must test it for ourselves, check out the facts, see if it works. It takes a lot of effort and time to learn what’s available to us in the supernatural realm, but it is thoroughly worth it. Because we have Truth within us, we are learning to distinguish between what is True and what is merely opinion, no matter how well presented or commonly accepted. Experiencing the supernatural is better “felt” than “telt.” You have to experience it for yourself. The Lord encourages us to taste and see that He is good. Not See and Taste, but Taste and See. Experience first, understand second. When I was in grade school in Michigan we had a new student in class who had just moved from Hawaii. His first week we were all excited, because we were expecting a “big” snowstorm, the first snowfall of the winter. Of course, our new classmate had heard of snow, seen pictures of it, and im