Reigners Radio

Distinguishing Between Natural, Supernatural and Spiritual Perception



Many natural manifestations occur as supernatural events as well. For instance, instead of audibly hearing knocking, you may “hear internally,” while having a conversation with a friend, or driving, for instance. The Lord trains us during our waiting periods to learn to recognize His intrusions on all levels and under all circumstances, and we are to respect His right to make Himself known to us at any time during the day or night regardless of the activity we are otherwise engaged in. The resources available to us in the supernatural and spirit realms can be likened to the informational resources available on the internet. The vast majority of “information” or web sites are personal (opinion) or business (profit-making) in nature. Many are also using the internet as a way to disseminate news and information, though these also can be categorized as personal opinion and profit-making. So on the internet, how do you know what to believe? For those topics that truly concern you, do your own research and follow