Reigners Radio

Increasing Your Awareness of Natural Manifestations



A natural manifestation is no more significant or trustworthy than any other way He makes Himself known—take everything to Him and let Him speak to you about it. But do enjoy it when it happens! The Lord does! We will also be sharing some personal examples in hopes that they will trigger a thirst and hunger for them for yourselves, and to see the diversity and simplicity of the ways in which God communicates. They are not meant to project a standard or establish guidelines, as each of us has the experiences that He wants us to have. Sight Here are some examples of the Lord making Himself perceivable to our eyes—The Lord Himself appearing (I’ve not experienced this yet, but am looking forward to it); something “catching your eye” via peripheral vision (for me this happens a lot when I see something in my rearview mirror while driving); visions, dreams, trances (covers a wide array of ways the Lord communicates to us); unusual, multicolored or flashing lights (the Lord has awakened me several times with flas