Reigners Radio

Supernatural Experiences and the Lord's Visits



Examples of Supernatural Experiences This is by no means an exhaustive study of what is going on even now in the supernatural realm. Our goal is to begin to objectively look at some of the categories that the Lord’s supernatural expressions commonly fall into. One experience is not more valuable than another; it is up to the Lord Himself to make those determinations for each of us, depending on our unique relationship with Him and His plans for us. We can expect, however, that we will probably not experience exactly what someone else has, in order to keep us from relating more to the experience or another person than to the Lord Himself. The Lord’s Visits When we speak of the Lord’s visits, we are referring to the ways in which the Lord makes Himself personally known either to our natural or supernatural senses. He does this for a variety of reasons, but it will always be to draw attention to Himself, not the manner of the revealing. As He visits, don’t assume you know how to interpret or respond—Ask The L