Reigners Radio

Every Supernatural Experience is Valuable



Ask the Lord to bring others into your life with whom you can share experiences. The Lord wants us to be able to learn from others’ learning from Him, as well as teaching us how to share with others what He has shared with us. Our confidence in His faithfulness grows as we see that He treats each of us with respect and gentleness. Likewise, as we see what the Lord is doing in like-minded believers, we are challenged to want to know Him more and more. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself objectively. What is truly from the Lord will stand up to scrutiny “by the light of day.” The Lord sharpens our discernment for this very reason—just as we trust what we see, taste and touch with our physical senses, what we experience supernaturally is just as real. The Lord wants us to have that same confidence of its realness. Examples of Supernatural Experiences This is by no means an exhaustive study of what is going on even now in the supernatural realm. Our goal is to begin to objectively look at some of the categories tha