Reigners Radio

Supernatural Experiences Reveal the Nature of God



Supernatural experiences can be desired and asked for. Ask the Lord to help you to overcome any apprehensions and answer any questions you may have. This is about your relationship with the Lord, and will expand your confidence in Him as you learn the extent of your authority and responsibility. Ask the Lord to bring others into your life with whom you can share experiences. The Lord wants us to be able to learn from others’ learning from Him, as well as teaching us how to share with others what He has shared with us. Our confidence in His faithfulness grows as we see that He treats each of us with respect and gentleness. Likewise, as we see what the Lord is doing in like-minded believers, we are challenged to want to know Him more and more. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself objectively. What is truly from the Lord will stand up to scrutiny “by the light of day.” Hearing from, knowing God and having supernatural experiences is not something that we strain for or experience in our imagination. The Lord sharpen