Reigners Radio

Ignorance Of The Supernatural Makes Us Vulnerable To Our Enemies



Ignorant Ignorance of the supernatural, or our involvement, is no excuse, and even makes us vulnerable to our enemies the world, the flesh and the devil. The supernatural realm is the main battleground for our life here on earth; not doing our homework and failing to fully engage in life now merely puts off till later what God has arranged, at great expense, to accomplish now. There is no guarantee (in fact I believe it is highly unlikely) that remaining in ignorance regarding the supernatural will in any way benefit us in regard to whatever is coming in the next age. So What Exactly are Supernatural Experiences? Supernatural Experiences can be broadly defined as the reality of the spiritual and natural realms breaking through and/or being revealed to our soul, which exists in the supernatural realm. This is why learning to wait on the Lord and being able to hear His voice is so important—it is only by having our senses tuned to Him, to His reality (the spirit realm), that we will be able to see from His v