Reigners Radio

God Wants Us To Desire Supernatural Experiences, Not Be Ambivalent



Neutral Attitude Toward Supernatural Experiences This stance toward the supernatural is characterized in word or deed by the thought that, “If God wanted me to have supernatural experiences, I’d be having them.” This nullifies our personal relationship with God, in that He wants us to want Him, and want everything He wants us to have. We will have to learn to deal with the supernatural sometime, so it is wise to take advantage of every opportunity now. There is no neutrality with God—we are either walking according to spirit or according to flesh. Ignorant Attitude Toward Supernatural Experiences Ignorance of the supernatural, or our involvement, is no excuse, and even makes us vulnerable to our enemies the world, the flesh and the devil. The supernatural realm is the main battleground for our life here on earth; not doing our homework and failing to fully engage in life now merely puts off till later what God has arranged, at great expense, to accomplish now. There is no guarantee (in fact I believe it is