Self Made & Sober

Shane "That Sober Guy" Ramer – Substances Don’t Work, Work Works



Shane Ramer is the creator and host of That Sober Guy Podcast.  That Sober Guy gives others a platform to share their own stories while creating community and entertainment in a digital and live environment. TSG reaches tens of thousands of listeners across states and continents and has been downloaded millions of times. Shane has been sober since September 11th, 2013. 04:22 – Shane takes us through his life in 2013 that fostered his current stint of recovery 08:27 – He always knew he had a problem but it wasn’t until he fully surrendered and entered rehab that he was able to turn sobriety into recovery 16:46 – For his recovery to work he needed to work his recovery 19:51 – Shane’s secret sauce is to work it while keeping mentors close and taking control of his sobriety 23:45 – While he has a good amount of recovery under his belt, he doesn’t have it all figured out and he is okay not having the answers all the time 31:06 – Andrew & Shane discuss their drinking/using mentalities as they realized they need