Self Made & Sober

Mark Crandall  - Incarcerated in Drugs, Free in Recovery



Mark Crandall is a public speaker, author, podcaster and transformational coach.  Mark’s is a story of uncommon adversity and triumph. At age three, Mark was taken from his biological mother by the Department of Youth and Families and placed in the foster care system. He began to engage in criminal activity, acting out his aggression at the expense of those closest to him and society at large. Mark began to self-medicate with substances; thus, began his spiral into painful, chaotic addiction. He found himself in and out of youth detention centers and other correctional facilities.  Mark found freedom in an introspective process which informs his Transformational Life and Business Coaching and drug and alcohol Interventions. Mark has been sober since August 23, 2007 01:48 – Mark’s youth was marked by a ton of instability, confusion and violence which led him to be a confused, angry, lost young person 05:09 – While acting out had been common, nothing gave him any relief until he had his first significant drug e