Snake Oil/jim Ventura

Snake Oil Radio.Coming Home to a place I've Never Been Before



Host Jim Ventura (professional Navigational consultant - Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Tarot, Animal cards etc...) is the author of two metaphysical books, YouTube videos and does local and Skype seminars and classes on many different metaphysical subjects. Snake Oil is Jim's monthly blog column. Snake Oil radio is a forum for discussion of a wide range of metaphysical subjects with a primary focus on how everyone can learn to fine tune their unique intuitive abilities and skills. Callers may call in toward the end of Jim’s show with questions or comments and some shows include 5 minute free mini navigational consultations (today's show will not get to live calls). Todays Show live Column read: Coming Home to a Place I've Never Been Before "...After moving from apartment to apartment about every two years for the first twelve years of my life in Arizona, I decided to buy my first home in 2003. I hired a realtor who was also a friend to help me. We spent three weekends looking at condominium homes. We would