Cross Encounters

Murderers-At-Heart: The Dangers of Preaching on the Streets



Episode #0101 Tony's guest for this edition of Cross Encounters Radio will be Kevin St. John, founder of Calgary Peacemakers. Tony and Kevin will discuss the recent Calgary Stampede Outreach. Part of the conversation will focus on an incident that took place on evening in dowtown Calgary, when a very angry heckler attacked and assaulted Tony. Christians are split about the incident. Did Tony provoke the confrontation? Should Tony have simply let the heckler walk away? Was Tony and Kevin right in deciding not to call the police? Does the fact that Tony's confrontation with the heckler drew a good-sized crowd who then heard the gospel when the attacker ran away have any bearing on whether or not Tony should have engaged the heckler the way he did? Are Christians using the incident as an excuse to justify unbiblical forms of evangelism and/or not being involved in evangelism at all? You will hear audio of the entire confrontation with the heckler, the attack, and the gospel that was preached after Tony go