Cross Encounters

Bethel Church: They Do Not Believe What They Say They Believe



On this special Bethe Church edition of Cross Encounters Radio, Tony will interview Cameron Buettel of Grace to You (the radio ministry of Pastor John MacArthur). Cameron Buettel is co-writing a series of well-sourced, informative articles on the New Apostolic Reformation, with Jeremiah Johnson, on the Grace To You blog. Tony and Cameron will look at the public statements of faith of Bethel Church and other New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) churches and show that these churches post orthodox statements of faith on their websites, but do not actually teach and practice what they profess to believe. This is one of the ways heretical churches like Bethel Church Redding lure people to the churches--by appearing orthodox on the surface. However, they are anything but orthodox in their theology and their practices.