Taoist Manimal Podcast

Taoist Manimal Ep. 28 Johnathan Raiss



Johnathan Raiss is the founder of Equilibrium movement. He is a Philadelphia based Yoga and movement teacher sharing techniques and skills for realization of potential on the physical and emotional planes of being, The student base he works with is exceptionally diverse and wide ranging; from dance professionals to corporate businessmen, from young athletes to elders seeking pain relief, and in general-most any human being interested in developing mobility, strength, flexibility, and fluidity. He has trained extensively with Nevine Michaan in Daoist philosophy and Katonah Yoga, has trained over a thousand hours in various flowing styles of Yoga, and has a stable base in martial arts such as Silat and Capoeira. He is currently a senior teacher at several studios in the Philadelphia area, and is a lecturer in the University of the Arts Dance Department. Find Johnathan Raiss: www.equilibriummovement.org Find Noah Julian: www.NoahMoves.com Find Yoga and Movement Sanctuary at www.YMSPhilly.com Music: Black Hol