Taoist Manimal Podcast

Taoist Manimal Ep. 23 Sean Roulan



Sean is a dear friend, gardener, the founder of Oba Gardens, and a truly yogic soul consistently creating loving kindness around him. Sean believes "that gardening is the highest form of yoga and that work is love made visible in the world." We discuss the magic that surrounds us. Find Sean Roulan on instagram at @farming_yogi Oba Gardens at www.facebook.com/gardenofoba Find Noah Julian and links to social at www.NoahMoves.com Find Yoga and Movement Sanctuary (and links to social media) at www.YMSPhilly.com Music: Black Hole by: iNFiNiEN (PS. iNFiNiEN just released a new album “Light At The Endless Tunnel” and it is bada**!) https://infinien.bandcamp.com/album/infinien Please subscribe and download in your podcast app!