Exploring Minds W/ Michele Carroll

Ep 26 | Desh Amila - The Art of Conversation



In this full episode of "Exploring Minds", Michele Carroll and Desh Amila discuss the current state of conversation globally, given Desh's experience with facilitating and moderating events focused on the art of conversation. - A product of immigration, integration, and innovation, Sri Lankan born, Desh Amila, started from humble beginnings before realizing his dream was in the West, and migrated to Melbourne, Australia in 2000. Desh has since pioneered his career as an entrepreneur, entertainer, and educator on a global scale. ​‍After graduating from Melbourne’s Deakin University with a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts: Screen Studies and Photography) in 2005, Desh soon realized that this was merely his first step into a world of many successes, many more uncertainties, painful growths and profound realizations. ‍With a desire to inspire, Desh is on a mission to educate, entertain and enhance the lives of those he connects with. At no point has his career been a simple, single entity – it has