Dr. Geneva Speaks

George Fraser: Networking Guru Talks About Real Leadership



VISION;  To lead a global networking movement to increase opportunities for people of African descent Dr. George C. Fraser is Chairman and CEO of FraserNet, Inc; a company he founded almost 30 years ago with the vision to lead a global networking movement that brings together diverse human resources to increase opportunities for people of African descent. He is considered by many to be a new voice for African Americans and one of the foremost authorities on economic development, networking and building effective relationships. While George’s accomplishments are significant, his beginnings were very humble. He was born in Brooklyn, NY into a family of 11 children (8 boys and 3 girls). When George’s mom became mentally ill, George’s dad, a cab driver, could not care for 11 children so George was orphaned at 3 and spent 14 years in foster homes. Growing up on the streets of New York he had little hope and no expectations. Although his guidance counselor suggested he drop out of high school, George graduated