Dr. Geneva Speaks

Sheneica Hunter: How to Get Your Heart's Desire with Your Career



SHENEICA HUNTER is the founder of Your Hearts Desire Career Coaching. She is a Certified Career Coach, Identification Coach, Planning Strategist, Public Speaker, and Huffington Post Blogger. Sheneica has over 5 years of experience in public and private sectors. Sheneica specializes in working with Millennials and GenX’ers who are aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs on identifying their passions, utilizing effective planning strategies, achieving their goals, and reaching their maximum potential. After leaving the recruitment world in 2016, she knew that her destiny was larger than working a 9-5 for the rest of her life; she wanted to embark on a journey that would truly make her feel accomplished. So, she tapped into her old passion for dance, which allowed her to truly understand her talents and her niche. By utilizing the skills she learned from dance and her past experiences, Your Hearts Desire Career Coaching was created. Sheneica utilizes her story telling and planning skills to build client attrac